Editorial Complaints

Praizsports takes complaints about editorial content seriously.

We are committed to abiding by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules and regulations, and the Editors’ Code of Practice that IPSO enforces.

For further details about IPSO, and to see a copy of the Code, click here.

Complaints details

If you would like to make a complaint under the terms of the Editors’ Code, administered by IPSO, you can email editorialcomplaints@praizsports.com

Editorial complaints policy

  1. This policy relates to all complaints framed within the terms of the Editors’ Code.
  2. Praizsports aims to handle all complaints as efficiently and effectively as possible.
  3. All complaints will be acknowledged promptly.
  4. We may need to contact you to request further information, in order to be able to fully understand and respond to your complaint.
  5. If we do not believe that your complaint requires investigation – for example because we do not believe it has raised a possible breach of the Code – we will let you know and explain the reasons why.
  6. Where appropriate, we will seek to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.
  7. If we cannot resolve your complaint, or you disagree with our assessment that there has been no breach of the Editors’ Code, you can take your complaint to IPSO.